Craig, Montana and the Missouri River
June 17th—June 23rd
I’m going to skip a lot of details on this leg and just say that it was one of the best we’ve had so far on the trip.
We spent a good week floating and fishing the Missouri River near the town of Craig, Montana. June has been unseasonably wet near the area, and most of the rivers in the state are running high and muddy, the Missouri included. We took one day where we were completely rained in and decided to take a trip to Great Falls to check out a Lewis and Clark museum dedicated to their portage around the falls. Fishing was really tough and slow and we only managed to bring a few to hand, but floating the river almost every day was a joy of its own. So was spending each night with friends and family, taking turns cooking and making cocktails. We even had night watching a movie outside via a projector on a trailer. There was a herd of bighorn sheep near the campsite as well as a few small (and basically domesticated) deer that seemed to love posing for photos.
Dropping the feesh.